We have finally started building...Yipppeee came the cries from our house! It has been flat out since my last post, with so much going on to do with the house and just general end of the year stuff. So I will put together a short timeline to show where we up to.October:
October saw us having titled after a very long wait due to issues with construction due to what we can only assume was some miscommunication between Warralily and Barwon water, that resulted in the pipes being put through the middle of some blocks. So up went the pipes to be redone. We then had to struggle to find out who was responsible for putting in the front taps.... Nobody wanted to organise that! After several phone calls Homebuyers decided they should take responsibility and we have taps!
Exciting November:
November after much hassling and signing draft plans, soil tests and approval from the developers and council saw the beginning of us building our house, finally! I can't tell you how exciting it was to drive past and see that we had a skip out the front and a fence up!!
18/11/2015- Site was cut
21/112015- The pouring of the concrete pillars begins.
28/11/2015- Pipes are put in
Ok so maybe December is more exciting then November! This month has been so exciting and it really looks like we are building a house!! We have gone from a block of dirt to the frame and roof having been completed. We decided to get an independent inspector out to do the pre pour inspection, he was fantastic and I would be more then happy to pass on contact details for him, so please ask. We had no issues so it has been very easy, contact has been good between Homebuyers, us and our site supervisor.
1/12/2015- Ready to pour. Site pre pour inspection completed and ready to go.
4/12/2015 WE HAVE A SLAB! and no we didn't have a slab on a slab party...just ran out of time :P

By the 23rd December
By this time we have a tiled roof and our windows are in. Was amazing to drive down the street and see our house looking like a 'real' house. Yes we have gone and played with the windows and doors :P
One window is broken and I am sure that we have a pipe coming up in the wrong spot but I am sure these issues will be sorted, we are not really worried. The builders all go on break now till the 11th of Jan so don't expect anything to happen before then. Can't wait for it all to start up again. :D